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Lord I Want to See – A Lenten Weekend Journey Towards Freedom

Jesus is always opening the eyes of the blind. As with Bartimaeus In Mark’s gospel, or the man born blind in John’s gospel, it takes courage to say, “Lord I want to see,” because once our eyes are opened, everything changes. Are we ready for such a transforming journey?  It is a journey of freedom:  freedom to turn away from fear, regret, and uncertainty, and freedom to accept forgiveness, love, and a new life.  In this season of Lent, with the gospels to guide us, and the saints and mystics as our companions, we will listen as Jesus asks us “what do you want me to do for you?” If we can respond with courage by saying, “Lord I want to see,” we will see God as He truly is, we will see ourselves as we truly are, and we will see the world with the eyes of Christ. This is the journey of freedom that Jesus invites us to share.

When: Friday March 14th (arrive 3-4:30 PM) thru Sunday March 16th 2025 (leave after lunch)

Presenter: Deacon Dan Burns

Cost: $250

Program Full - Use the green button below to be put on the waitlist. 

Dan Burns was ordained in 1998 and has served in parish ministry as well as Director of Formation for the Permanent Diaconate in the Archdiocese of Boston. He is a certified spiritual director.  Dan also spent thirty years as a research scientist, lab director, and instructor at MIT. He and his wife Marianne have two children and 6 grandchildren.

In order to hold your place in the retreat, you must complete registration with deposit. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Questions? Call Sr. Mary Boretti, Director: Call 978-380-1574 or 



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