Find Your Peace
Come to Notre Dame Spirituality Center 30 Jeffreys Neck Rd., Ipswich, MA and enjoy a day to explore different forms of prayer. Presentations will include certain types of prayer using scripture, music, poems and journaling to help us encounter the divine in a variety of ways.
When: Sunday October 27th, 2024
Presenters: Sister Peggy Cummins SNDdeN,
Mary MacGillivray, Bryn Walsh
Time: Arrive between 9:30 AM and 10:00 AM for coffee. Presentation and Prayer takes place between 10 AM to 3:00 PM. If you are planning to attend, please click on the registration button below. You will also be given the opportunity to make a free will offering with a credit card. (Note: Cash donations can also be made at the event.) If you have any questions, please call (978) 380-1574 or send an email to spirituality.center@sndden.org.
Please bring a bag lunch. Drinks will be provided.